Friday, August 17, 2012


CHQ, North Avenue PO Bldg I Floor, New Delh. 110001

No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/2012                                                 Dated   17. 08.2012
Notice under Article 24 of the constitution of All India Postal SBCO Employees Association read with article 29 (b) is hereby given that the Central working committee meeting of this Association will be held at  Sharma Restaurant Near Market committee Neem Wala Chowk Ferozepur Cantt  ( Punjab Circle) from 28.09.2012 to 29.01.2012. The meeting will commence at 11.00 A.M on 28.9.12. The following items will be discussed in the meeting.
1. Organizational review.
a) Recognition related issues.
b) Functioning of circle unions.
2. Dec,12, 2012  Strike Demands of Confederation 
3. Functioning of Central head quarters
4. Review of agreement of deferred July strike.
5. Sectional   demands
a) Review of Administrative powers over SBCO cadres
b) Role of SBCO in Core Banking proposal
c) Cadre restructuring in SBCO
6. Financial Review.
7. NFPE programmes and implementation there of.
8. Amendments to the constitution.
9. Any other items.
    ( Appanraj.S)
General Secretary

Copy forwarded to.
1.     Com. S.P.Kulkarni. President. AIPSBCOEA
2.    The Secretary, Dept. of Post, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
3.    Com.P.Krishnan, Secretary General. NFPE, New Delhi.
4.    All Circle Secretaries/ CHQ office bearers of AIPSBCOEA.
5.    The  Chief PMsG  . They are requested to grant Special Casual Leave to the circle Office Bearers / CHQ office bearers of this association for attending the Central Working Committee Meeting at Ferozepur ( Punjab) on 28th and 29th September,2012. 

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