Dear Comrades,
Circle Working Committee Meeting and 2nd
Biennial Conference of AIPSBCOEA of Odisha Circle were held on 22nd & 23rd July, 2017 at Radha Krishna
Mandir Campus, Unit-9, Bhubaneshwar in Odisha Circle. A good number of
delegates attended the Conference and ended with a grand success. This Conference was graced by the General
Secretary who defined all the grievances in his speech and answered the
questions asked by some youngsters.
sister unions leaders of NFPE was unable to participate in the Conference due
to presence of Com. M. Krishnan
beloved leader & Secretary General of CCGE&W at Puri, Odisha. The presence of both the CHQ leaders in
Odisha Circle encouraged the members, C.G. Employees for awakeness.
General Secretary endorsed his gratefulness to Circle President Com. N.P.
Panda, Circle Secretary Com. Srikant Mallick and their youngest team who donated Rs. 50,000/- for meeting
out the expenses of Honourable Supreme Court of India, litigation relating
justice to seniors in TBOP/BCR Schemes at par their juniors and once again they
are thankful to host the next Central
Working Committee Meeting at Puri in Odisha Circle.
photographs of important events of Circle Conference of Odisha Circle are
produced below :