Sunday, September 11, 2011

Central working committee meeting 20th and 21st October at Newdelhi

The notification for conducting  the meeting of CWC  of our association has been issued and copy of the same sent to all CWC members. Serious discussion is a must in the present stage and crucial decisions are to be taken to tackle the many problems that SBCO employees are  facing now. As such, all should attend the meeting without fail. Necessary efforts may be taken to make reservation for train tickets and apply for special casual leave in advance. Due to financial constraints in CHQ the travelling expenses  may kindly be borne by respective circles. However , the facility of stay on the day of meeting will be arranged in federation office. Agenda of the meeting is to be fully understand and gather information relating to agenda during the session. Total cooperation is solicited for successful deliberations of CWC.
Please acknowledge the receipt of the notification sent directly either by email or  through SMS   to 919442029069.

With Greetings,
General Secretary


CHQ. Ist Foor North Avenue PO Building
 NEW DELHI - 110001.

No: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ                                                                               dated 9.9.2011


Notice under Article 24 of the constitution of All India Postal SBCO Employees Association
read with article 20(b) is hereby given that Central working committee of this association
will be held at NewDelhi in the address, I Floor North Avenue PO Building from 20.10.2011to 21.10.2011

The following items will be discussed in the meeting.

1.  Organisational review.
    a) Membership verification - Recognition related issues
    b) Formation of circle unions.
    c) Functioning of central head quarters
2.  Review of deferred 5th July strike
3.  Sectional demands
   a)  Adverse effecs after decentralization of MIS, RD and SCSS- Making of recovery
        from Officials of SBCO with the pretextof contributory.
   b)  Review of administrative powers over SBCO cadres.
   c)  Core bank proposal
   d)  Non filling of vacant posts.
   e)  Divisionalization of SBCO cadres
4. Financialreview.
5. Programme of Confederation of central govt employees and workers.
6. NFPEprogrammes and implementation there of
7.Any other items


General Secretary

Copy forwarded to,

1. SecretaryGeneral NFPE  New Delhi
2. The Secretary Dept of Posts dak Bhawan New delhi
3. Sri S.P. Kulkarni, President AIPSBCOEA
4. All Circle secretaries/ CHQ office bearers-   AIPSBCOEA
5. The Chief PMsG  All Circles