Sunday, October 23, 2011



The first  meeting of Central working committee of AIPSBCOEA was held on 20th and 21st  OCTOBER in the Central Head quarters of NFPE, North avenue, New Delhi under the chairmanship of Com . S.P.Kulkarni . Com . M.Krishnan Secretary General NFPE inaugurated the session. 

During inaugural speech, our leader explained the ongoing developments in  the 5th July strike demands, cadre restructure,march to parliament on PFRDA Bill and SBCO subjects referred to departmental council of JCM departmental council. Com.R.N.Parasar Asst Secretary General NFPE ,Com. Girirajsingh General Secretary R III ,  Com. Ishwarsingh Dabas G/s P IV,  Com . P.Suresh  G/s R IV. Com. R.Sivanarayana  Deputy General Secretary, P III, Com.Balwindar Singh Finanacial secretary P III , Com. Nagabushanam President  All India Casual labours and Contingent Employees  Assn felicitated  CWC meeting.

Com.S.Appanraj General Secretary submitted the report for the period from January to September 2011 covering the organizational events of our association, federation and confederation of central govt.  employees.

Com. Virendra Tiwari  Deputy General Secretary  initiated the organizational review. Majority of circle secretaries and CHQ office bearers   took part in the deliberations and elaborately expressed the problems prevailing in their circles. It was pointed out by all  that  Irrational  recovery under contributory negligence cases have been on the increasing side in all circles. Change of transfer liability within division is overwhelmingly welcomed by all. Advantageous cadre restructure and  restoration  of delegation of administrative powers to regional heads were insisted by CWC members.

And also, valuable suggestions for improvement of functioning of our association were contributed. Guidelines have been issued to formation of circle unions in Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarkand,Uttiranchal,Jharkand and Chattisgarh and to increase the membership of our association with target of winning  the status of first union.
Next session of CWC will be held in Punjab. Com. Baldev Raj Sharma  Circle Secretary Punjab Circle pleased  to volunteer  in this regard.

Resolutions were passed out of view points and suggestions made in the CWC unanimously .

Let us resolve to win over our demands through organizational spirit and great enthusiasm.

With Greetings.

General Secretary

S.P. KULKARNI                                                                                                                                                                                                                            President                                                                                                                      

The details of the CHQ/Circle office bearers  attended CWC are as under.

S.No Comrade Contact Number
1 S.P. Kulkarni President All India union Supervisor Kolahpur HO  ( C/S ) Maharashtra           9767687485
2 S Appanraj  General Secretary Supervisor Madurai H.O  ( C/S ) Tamilnadu                     9442029069
3 Asitdas Working President  PA SBCO Park street  H.O   (C/S )   West Bengal 9433443221
4 Virendra Tiwari  Dy General Secretary  PA SBCO   BBK HO Uttarpradesh       9839195933
5 Nirmalkumar Bajpayee Asst.Gen.Secretary PA SBCO Hajipur HO  Bihar 9431602538
6 Atulkumar Srivatsav    Org Secretary PA SBCO, Unnao HO   U.P 9450728093
7 Subbash Jaiswal Asst.Gen.Secretary  Damoh HO ( C/S )  Madhyaprdesh                                    9827607454
8 B.K.Valand  Vice President O/O PMG Rajkot (C/S )  Gujarat 9426245285
9 Baldev Raj Sharma  Vice President PA SBCO Ferozepur H.O ( C/S )  Punjab           9417929222
10 M.K.Mohanan  Asst.Gen Secretary Supervisor  Tiruk H.O  Kerala. 9048626492
11 V.K.Jain  Asst.Gen.Secretary  PA SBCO  Dhalpur H.O (C/S )  Rajasthan 9414348915
12 J.S.Bajpai   Circle Secretary Unnao H.O Uttarpradesh.                                              9473999584
13 Bal krishna Singh   Circle Secretary  supervisor  Modhari.H.S Bihar. 9431494271
14 C.B.Bharsar    Supervisor SBCO Gujarat. 9723760822
15 J.S.Parnab  circle president   Gandhinagar H.O Gujarat.                               9898472414
16 S.M.Brahmbatt  Circle vice president  Anand H.O Gujarat. 9427312251
17 S.K.Namela Circle ACS Satna H.O Madhyapradesh . 9827306191
18 J.S. Walia Circle President Bhatinda HO  Punjab.                                                9417243737